This publication is the property of the National Institute of Agricultural Technology. Rivadavia 1439. CABA. Buenos Aires, Argentina

ISSN 1669-2314 | ISSN 0325-8718



Senna occidentalis poisoning in cattle: report of 8 outbreaks in northwestern Argentina

Senna occidentalis is one of the many Senna species present in Argentina known for its toxicity to cardiac muscles and large muscle masses. However, there are only a few reports about S. occidentalis poisoning in cattle to date in Argentina. This work aims to describe a retrospective study, which includes 8 outbreaks of S. occidentalis […]


Increased Oxidative Stress Tolerance by Cambialistic Superoxide Dismutase Overexpression in Mesorhizobium japonicum MAFF303099

Oxidative stress is a common denominator underlying many environmental insults. As a global response, the increment of intracellular reactive oxygen species leads to the activation of the antioxidant system to maintain cellular homeostasis. The Mesorhizobium japonicum MAFF303099 mlr7636 SOD gene was constitutively overexpressed to test if the enhanced superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity contributes to oxidative […]


Aphids affecting subtropical Argentina strawberry production: species, cultivar preference, and nation-wide distribution update

Argentina accounts for ~2,000 ha of strawberries (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) and produces ~70,000 t, being aphids a relevant pest. The objectives of this study were to survey aphid species in a strawberry crop located in subtropical Argentina, along with their varietal preference and impact on plant productivity, and to update the distribution of aphid […]


Recurrent frothy bloat in goats associated with consumption of Strombocarpa ferox (Fabaceae) pods

Frothy bloat is the over-distention of the rumen and reticulum, resulting from the accumulation of stable foam formed by tiny gas bubbles produced by fermentation. Normally, this functional digestive disorder occurs in ruminants when their diet consists predominantly of legumes in their vegetative state; this produces substances that reduce the surface tension, contributing to the […]


Garden pea: agronomic, color and quality characterization using morphological and molecular data

During 2019 and 2020, 24 varieties of garden pea were sown under drip irrigation and dry-land conditions to evaluate the agronomic, grain color and quality traits. A molecular characterization was performed using SSR and SRAPS molecular markers. A high diversity at morphological and molecular levels was found among them. The variance components— genotypic (CVG), phenotypic […]


Characterization of selected quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) lines from Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, using intrinsic chemical parameters of the grains

The so-called sea-level ecotypes of quinoa grow satisfactorily under the agro-ecological conditions of the central region of Buenos Aires Province (Argentina). A previous selection derived from a quinoa genetic improvement project allowed the identification of 14 lines with good agronomic behavior, considering grain yield, the weight of one thousand grains, harvest index, plant height, and […]


Acute nutritional muscular dystrophy and mortality associated with selenium deficiency in artificial rearing of dairy calves in Salta, Argentina

Selenium (Se) is a trace element important for performance and immune functions in cattle. The deficiency of this mineral is widely distributed in northwestern Argentina and it is usually associated with intensive production systems. Calves seem more susceptible due to the metabolic regulation failures produced by this deficiency. This paper aims to describe a case […]

Current issue |

RIA 50 N.º 2 August 2024


Acute nutritional muscular dystrophy and mortality associated with selenium deficiency in artificial rearing of dairy calves in Salta, Argentina

Selenium (Se) is a trace element important for performance and immune functions in cattle. The deficiency of this mineral is widely distributed in northwestern Argentina and it is usually associated with intensive production systems. Calves seem more susceptible due to the metabolic regulation failures produced by this deficiency. This paper aims to describe a case […]


This section provides online versions of peer reviewed and accepted articles but have not yet been assigned to a RIA volume/issue.


Effects of Bt soybean on biodiversity are limited to target species and host-specific parasitoids in La Pampa province, Argentina

Bt crops have been incorporated in South America more than 20 years ago and their use has increased sharply since then. However, the potential negative environmental effects are still a concern, specifically the impacts on non-target arthropod species. The objective of this work was to determine if the effects of Bt soybean are limited to […]


Detection of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis and other mycobacteria in retail milk and dairy products in Argentina

Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) is the etiologic agent of paratuberculosis or Johne’s disease (JD), a chronic enteritis disease that affects cattle and other animal species and has been linked to Crohn’s disease, a chronic inflammatory bowel disease in humans. MAP could resist pasteurization conditions and has been isolated from retail milk in several countries. […]


Case Report Outbreak of Winter Coccidiosis in calves from Northwestern Argentina

Coccidiosis is an intestinal infection caused by protozoans of the genus Eimeria. When the disease occurs in winter, it is known as winter coccidiosis. In July 2021, two calves were referred to INTA-Salta SDVE to determine the cause of death. These animals belonged to a herd that had shown clinical signs, such as bloody diarrhea, […]



RIA: a transition process in the face of new challenges

in Spanish Since its creation in 1956, INTA has accompanied the national and regional agricultural sector by developing technological innovation actions in agricultural value chains, and also in different regions and territories to improve country’s competitiveness and sustainable rural development. Within its institutional strategy for the communication of technological and scientific advances, INTA has the […]

RIA: a transition process in the face of new challenges
Desarrollo de vacunas de nueva generación para uso veterinario

Desarrollo de vacunas de nueva generación para uso veterinario

La investigadora del INTA, Gabriela Calamante, pone el foco en los avances logrados desde la plataforma biotecnológica para el desarrollo de bioproductos para aves y mamíferos. Reconoce la capacidad del organismo para desarrollar vacunas, controlar y prevenir enfermedades que afectan a la salud animal.

Calamante, G.


Secuestro de carbono

Secuestro de carbono

La Alianza Mundial por el Suelo de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) se encuentra desarrollando actividades para crear conciencia sobre la importancia de los suelos en la lucha contra...




La atmósfera y los fenómenos que tienen lugar en ella juegan un papel de gran relevancia en relación a la vida en el planeta, por ello el hombre...


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